Project contributions- Updated
1. Initially we thought of making a universal plug for the EV (electrical vehicle), however we found that it was impossible to do. So I gave a suggestion for creating a adapter for the EV instead 2. I went to take pictures of the EV charging station near my house as reference to what might be the common socket type. Updated 1/11 3. Look up on how the typical travel adapters are built in gAI which can replicated for the EV Updated 25/11 Researched and wrote the initial mode of operation for the RE2b electric ramp. Information is based off the operation of the tools which I had worked with during my time in Micron for example the NTB (Near tool buffer) and sorter. Researched and wrote on the 4 Button operation for the RE2b electric ramp. Information is based off the operation of the tools which I had worked with during my time in Micron for example the NTB (Near tool buffer) and sorter. Researched and wrote the entire section of the absolute rotary encoder for the RE2b electr...